Ancient Ropes, Modern Hopes

Let’s discuss hemp cannabis. Let’s get started. “Hemp?” Is what you think. “Hemp?” “Isn’t Hemp just Weed?” This plant has many hidden properties. This plant won’t get you high. You’ll need its cousin find out.

Hemp has long been used. Hemp was used in ancient civilisations for ropes and sailings. Fast forward to today, and hemp is glowing. It’s everywhere: in drinks, on the body, even in clothes. Yes, that’s right. Clothes that are made of plants. Who could have imagined?

CBD is hemp’s current claim-to fame. It’s kind of like the calm relative who brings people together at a BBQ. They pop the gummies, and then apply them to their sore limbs as if they were candy. This helps relieve anxiety and promotes sleep.

It can be confusing to understand the laws that govern hemp cultivation and sales. In certain countries, hemp is distributed by farmers in exchange for a government nod. In others? Not nearly as much. It’s a bit like playing hopscotch, but without knowing what the next line was.

Let’s take a minute to talk about Mother Earth. This green stuff was her favorite. Hemp grows more quickly than chocolate when my niece was introduced to it. It doesn’t take much water or pesticides to grow hemp. We all would love a friend like this.

Imagine houses made from hempcrete. Clothing that is softer than cotton, and does not shout “I’m A Sack”, and snacks designed to keep you ticking on like a watch.

Wait! Wait! We have to remind people that hemp doesn’t exist just to make a fuss, it is here to help you do your hard work. And it looks great doing it.

Imagine convincing Grandma Joan she should use your new moisturiser that is made of marijuana plants. It’s nothing like you thought! She would give you a side glance at your knitting needles and say, “It’s not as you think!”

Your inbox will be overflowing with paperwork. Some regulations are easier to follow than others.

Hempville is now yours to explore. Superfoods as well as super fabric are produced. CBD is used to create super chill vibrations. Hemp’s time has come.

When you next have dinner, don’t forget about sharing your knowledge. They will either be impressed or confused enough to change the subject.

What surprises is this green marvel hiding? Maybe next year we’ll be flying planes made of hemp… or maybe not. Anyone can dream.

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