Carpet Cleaning – How To Do It Right

Caring for carpets requires special handling check this. We must be careful to take good care of carpets. Your carpet will last much longer if you clean it correctly with carpet cleaning service north shore. If you just installed new carpet, it is important to vacuum the carpet regularly. You may think your carpet looks clean, however the fibers can contain dirt and dust. This dirt and dust will continue to collect if it is left. This is not only unhealthy, but can also damage your carpet. You should vacuum the carpet once a week.

Cleaning should be concentrated on areas that are frequently used by people, since that’s the place where most dirt and grime accumulates. Do not walk barefoot. Our daily activities can help us care for our carpet. If many people thought that the only way to walk on a carpet was barefoot, in order to maintain cleanliness and hygiene, this is no longer true. Our feet secrete oils and sweat. As soon as your feet touch the carpet, sweat and oil will stick, which makes dirt and dust stick. Wear flip-flops, or socks to avoid this problem.

Avoid cleaning carpets with soap. Do not use liquids or detergents containing soap for carpet cleaning. It is because soap residues, such as foam, can attract more dust. The soap residue may also weaken carpet fibres, causing them to be easily damaged or torn. White vinegar is the ideal material to clean carpets without damaging them. One bottle of vinegar and one gallon of warm water is the trick. Sprinkle the mixture on your carpet, brush the area briefly and then rinse it with clean water. The vinegar smell will fade in 24 to 48 hours, as long as you don’t keep your carpet damp.
Carpet Care Specialists Mosman
50 Yeo St, Neutral Bay, NSW, 2089
(02) 8311 3724

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