Common ministorage mistakes that you should avoid

So, you’ve finally given up and rented a storage unit for your clutter in the attic and garage. Congratulations! Let’s not just throw your stuff in boxes. We will also discuss common mistakes made by people when using Mi Ni Cang. Here’s your little cheat sheet for storage. It will help you save time in the long run – helpful hints!

Think of storage like a Tetris game. Tetris is not won by randomly throwing pieces in any direction. One of the most common mistakes is to pack up the unit as though you were building a fire: pile everything together without thinking about strategy. Balance and variety matter! Put heavier boxes at bottom of pile and lighter items or fragile ones on top to prevent it from falling.

It’s not a good thing to have your favorite collection of porcelain ducks shattered by a free-falling accident.

Another pitfall is trying to store everything. Storing everything. Imagine yourself rummaging in the unit some years down the road, scratching your heads and wondering why you thought that broken toaster, or those chemistry notes, were useful. Only keep items that you truly value, such as sentimental items or things which serve a practical purpose. Labeling. Let’s face it, unlabeled containers can be a real pain when you’re in the rush to get those holiday ornaments.

Boxes with clear labels are treasure maps that will help you navigate through a sea otherwise filled with cardboard confusion. Label each side with big, beautiful letters. Cover your bases. An extra dash of organisation will not hurt. Create aisles in your storage system or leave a space for items that are frequently used, like your winter clothes or camping gear.

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