Tips for home energy efficiency – Get started now and start saving

You are thinking of home improvements to increase your home’s energy efficiency? It’s the right time to make home improvements. ! Visit our website and learn more about PorchLight Home Energy Assessors.

Not only will you save money, but you can also help the environment by improving your home energy efficiency. Checking out old HVAC (heating ventilating, air conditioning), systems and appliances is a great way to get started. These older appliances and systems emit high levels of carbon dioxide. The earth’s atmosphere is also exposed to harmful substances such as nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide. These substances are the direct causes of acid rain.

Here are some ideas for home energy efficiency. These tips can help you save money and the environment.

1. Take a look at all appliances in your house. If you feel that an appliance is beyond repair, then it’s time for you to move on. This is a great opportunity to reclaim your space. A qualified technician can check if an appliance is not functioning properly to ensure that it can be repaired.

2. Make sure to inspect the HVAC systems of your home. Leaks can be found and repaired immediately to save money and energy. Your cooling and heating costs will be reduced by any repairs you make. Leaks in these systems not only are bad for the environment, but they also decrease the efficiency of the system and thus increase its cost.

3. The lighting in your house is another area worth investigating. The standard light bulbs in your home are a great place to start your journey towards a more efficient lifestyle. A single compact fluorescent bulb can help you save $30 over its life and pay for yourself in 6 months. Additionally, it consumes 75% less energy than an incandescent light bulb and lasts approximately 10 times as long. An energy-saving compact fluorescent lightbulb does not produce as many heat as an incandescent. This means that you can not only cut down on your lighting costs but also reduce your cooling costs in the summer heat.

4. Based on your home assessment (see #1), start making home improvements. Look first at any items that need to be repaired or replaced. You will find that the cost of replacing or repairing your heating and cooling systems, appliances, and heating systems will be well worth it. The government may offer tax credits for some expenses. These tax credits can amount to up to 30% of total costs, or as much as $1500.

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